Due to some requests from some participating universities, we have decided to postpone the competition date to June 2018. Besides, the competition in June is planned to cope with the press conference on 28th of June. The press conference will include the introduction of the robots and also prize ceremony of this competition.
The new schedule and details of the tournament is attached below. If there is anything we can be of assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us.
MonsoonSIM Malaysia Tournament 2018
Malaysia 1st MonsoonSIM Online Tournament 2018 is going to kick off from May 28th to 27th June 2018. (MonsoonSIM is recommended by SAP for all universities across S.E.A!). The tournament is open to all Polytechnics and universities in Malaysia. Attractive Prizes, Medals, Trophies awaits competitors to win!!!.
We will be running a series of FREE online friendly matches for registered participants to enable them to familiarise with the competition platform. University lecturers can also request for workshops in the event that the students crowd exceed 50 pax.
MonsoonSIM is an Experiential Learning platform which has over 98% positive feedbacks to date, out of 18,000 feedbacks from students & Lecturers who has experienced the game across 6 countries.
About our sponsors:-
KnowledgeCom Sdn Bhd (KCOM) (http://www.eknowledge.com.my/) specialised in professional training that aims to UP-Skill the workforce of the nation by training and certifying public and private universities students, fresh graduates, government servants and professionals.
GLOBALKNOX Sdn Bhd (http://www.globalknox.com) is a company that elevates organizational performance through innovative and scalable experiential training solutions that are uniquely tailored and performance focused.
Both of the corporates have joined us as a monsooner in the past few years. We would like to extend a very big thank you to both KnowledgeCOM and GlobalKnox for their kind sponsorships for this upcoming tournament.
Aim & Objectives :
1) To expose the Importance & Effectiveness of Experiential Learning among the students as the new learning tools for Y generation.
2) Experiential learning proven to be more fun and effective that triggers the learning desire among the Learners.
3) To inculcate entrepreneur skills such as teamwork, critical thinking and communication while they immerse themselves into the game.
4) To nurture more ERP practitioner in the future.
5) To educate students to learn and think through a different approach which is totally different to the traditional learning method in school.
Rules & Regulations :
1) This is an online tournament, therefore do not have a specific venue for the competition. Competitor need to find a suitable venue with good internet connection.
2) A fee of RM100 is charged per team and is not refundable. (Bank in to RHB 20140000004336 under Infusion Information Technology Sdn.Bhd)
3) The maximum participating teams is capped to 100 teams.
4) Registration due date is on 23rd May 2018.
5) The tournament starts on 28th May 2018 and ends on 27th June 2018.
6) Contestants need to get ready 30 minutes before the game starts. The game code will be announced 30 minutes before the game starts.
7) We recommend participants to use Laptop computer with internet access of 3MB up and down. Other devices such as Desktop, Tablets, Mobile devices is also usable in the event that the laptop is not available!.
8) Each team must have minimum 4 and maximum 5 participants.
9) Organiser will not be responsible for any technical problem such as wifi condition or late arrival or signup as all the games start sharp on time.
10) Organizer have the right to make any configurations for the game.
11) The judges decision is final in the event of any dispute!. All playoff results are based on published “Scoring Matrix” and all results will be published online.
Competition mode :
1) The time schedule :
2) The diagram below indicates the flow of the competition
*** Preliminary Round *** ( 100 teams)
-) Each group will play 2 rounds and the winner will be decided based on the average scoring matrix
-) The best of 8 from each group will proceed to the quarter final
*** Quarter-Final *** ( 80 teams)
-) 80 teams who stand out from the preliminary round will be shuffled and break down into 8 groups
-) The best of 4 from each group will proceed to the semi-final and compete with the other 4 teams in the same bracket
*** Semi-Final *** ( 32 teams)
-) There will be 8 teams per group
-) The best of 2 from each group will proceed to the grand final
*** Grand-Final *** ( 8 teams)
-) All the best to the final 8 teams!!!
*** This mode may vary if it does not have 100 teams participate in the tournament. ***
3) The winner will be decided based on the scoring matrix shown as below :
***Game configuration***
Preliminary Round
Initial Cash 5,000,000 SGD
Initial Overdraft 3.500.000 SGD
Local Currency SGD
Foreign Currency USD
Forex Rate ~10
Forex Allow (No)
Accrual Accounting (No)
HR OCEAN Factors (No)
Rental Fee(Retail / Warehouse) 80/20 SGD per m2
OverFlow Fee(Retail / Warehouse) 400/200 SGD per m2
Quarter Final
Initial Cash 4,000,000 SGD
Initial Overdraft 2.500.000 SGD
Local Currency SGD
Foreign Currency USD
Forex Rate ~10
Forex Allow (Yes)
Accrual Accounting (Yes)
HR OCEAN Factors (Yes)
Rental Fee(Retail / Warehouse) 50/10 SGD per m2
OverFlow Fee(Retail / Warehouse) 200/100 SGD per m2
Semi Final
Initial Cash 4,000,000 SGD
Initial Overdraft 2.500.000 SGD
Local Currency SGD
Foreign Currency USD
Forex Rate ~10
Forex Allow (Yes)
Accrual Accounting (Yes)
HR OCEAN Factors (Yes)
Rental Fee(Retail / Warehouse) 50/10 SGD per m2
OverFlow Fee(Retail / Warehouse) 300/150 SGD per m2
Grand Final
Initial Cash 3,000,000 SGD
Initial Overdraft 1,500,000 SGD
Local Currency SGD
Foreign Currency USD
Forex Rate ~10
Forex Allow (Yes)
Accrual Accounting (Yes)
HR OCEAN Factors (Yes)
Rental Fee(Retail / Warehouse) 70/20 SGD per m2
OverFlow Fee(Retail / Warehouse) 200/100 SGD per m2
***Prize Pool***
Champion — RM2000 + certificate + medals & trophies
1st-runner up — RM1500 + certificate + medals & trophies
2nd-runner up — RM1000 + certificate + medals & trophies
Consolation prize — RM200 x 5 + certificate
Please click this link to fill up the registration form : https://goo.gl/forms/